Jun 30, 2020
Kwame Christian, the Founder and Director of the American Negotiation Institute, is an expert in mediation and conflict resolution, serving a range of corporate and government clients.
American Negotiation Institute:
Kwame is the author of Nobody Will Play With Me:...
Jun 29, 2020
Cyrus Massoumi is one of the three founders of ZocDoc, an online medical care appointment booking service that has raised over $280 million in funding and currently has roughly 600 employees.
Cyrus has stepped down from his role as CEO of ZocDoc. In this episode, he shares the three pillars of his current activities:
Jun 28, 2020
David Nguyen is the Founder of My Consulting Offer, a firm that helps experienced professionals and students get job offers from the top management consulting firms.
In this episode, David shares his firm's process, and what explains how his firm manages to help 85% of its clients get an offer from a top firm.
To learn...
Jun 27, 2020
Nick Kane is a Managing Partner at Janek Performance Group, which provides sales training, coaching, and consulting.
Learn more about Janek Performance Group at:
Jun 26, 2020
Srikumar Rao developed the groundbreaking course "Creativity and Personal Mastery" at Columbia Business School, which I had the good fortune to take in 2003.
It is the only business school course in the world with its own active alumni association - including annual retreats for CPM alums.
Srikumar has taught this...