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Unleashed - How to Thrive as an Independent Professional

Sep 3, 2018

Our guest today is Umbrex member and Booz alum Wissam Kahi, who’s been a close friend of mine since we sat together in the same cluster at Columbia Business School.

In parallel with running his successful consulting practice, Wissam, together with his sister, has started an amazing social enterprise called Eat Offbeat.

Eat Offbeat delivers authentic and home-style ethnic meals that are conceived, prepared and delivered by refugees resettled in NYC.

Eat Offbeat was the recipient of WeWork's global creator awards and has been featured in dozens of major publications.

At a time when refugees may not be feeling the most welcome in the United States, Eat Offbeat is creating jobs while also helping to build bridges.

And their food is delicious – I’ve hired Eat Offbeat to cater several events that I’ve run and they always get rave reviews.

Check them out online at Eat Offbeat – and if you’ve got an event in NYC, you can’t miss by having them prepare your meal.