Sep 25, 2018
Our guest today is Dr. Joshua Sharfstein, the author of a fantastic new book titled The Public Health Crisis Survival Guide: Leadership and Management in Trying Times, published by Oxford University Press.
This book is a great read for any leader, not just those in public health, since the lessons are so broadly...
Sep 17, 2018
Our guest today is a hero of mine, Ethan Rasiel, a McKinsey alum and the author of The McKinsey Way and The McKinsey Mind.
I read The McKinsey Way before I got interviewed by McKinsey – it helped me understand the Firm, and, well, I got an offer.
In this episode, Ethan shares the story of how he got the idea for the...
Sep 10, 2018
Our guest today is Jessica Rhodes, who runs a firm called Interview Connections.
They help their clients get booked as a guest on podcasts.
Let’s say you want to raise your visibility by being on someone’s show.
Jessica’s firm will come up with a list of podcasts that would be a good fit for your expertise and the...
Sep 4, 2018
Tiffany Pham is a mogul, and she wants you to be a mogul too.
Tiffany is the Founder and CEO of Mogul, a platform reaching 18 million women per week – users can read trending content, take courses, solicit advice from other members, find job opportunities. Visit
Mogul organizes an annual conference called...
Sep 3, 2018
Our guest today is Umbrex member and Booz alum Wissam Kahi, who’s been a close friend of mine since we sat together in the same cluster at Columbia Business School.
In parallel with running his successful consulting practice, Wissam, together with his sister, has started an amazing social enterprise called...